If you have been charged with the possession of a deadly weapon crime in New Jersey, call Attorney Michele Finizio right away at 856-888-9059 or fill out our convenient online contact form. We can talk about your case on the phone or in our Moorestown, NJ office.

Possession of a Deadly Weapon
Schedule Your Case Evaluation Today
Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Defends Clients Charged with Weapons Offenses Throughout New Jersey
Most deadly weapon possession convictions in New Jersey result in mandatory jail time. Under the New Jersey Graves Act, having a gun without a permit is a crime of the second degree, which has been the case since 2008. Most people who are found guilty of weapons crimes in New Jersey will spend at least three years in prison without the chance of getting out early. A prison sentence not only means that a person loses their freedom, but it will also affect every part of their life, such as their future job prospects, educational opportunities, and personal relationships.