Expungement: Is That an Option in New Jersey?
What Is an Expungement?
Expungement is a process that involves sealing or erasing a person’s criminal conviction or arrest. Once one’s records are expunged, people are not obligated to let someone know about the conviction. For example, a person fills out an application that asks about their criminal history. They do not have to put that they were convicted of a crime.
It is important to note that an expungement may not completely erase a person’s criminal record. In some cases, a conviction may be viewed by criminal courts and law enforcement agencies.
Expungement in New Jersey
There are some crimes that cannot be expunged from your record in New Jersey. This includes things such as kidnapping, criminal homicide, distribution of child pornography, sexual assault, robbery, human trafficking and terrorism. If you committed a crime before the age of 18, then you will likely be able to get your record expunged unless it is one of the 17 ineligible offenses.
You can also get your record expunged if you were arrested but not charged with a crime. Disorderly conduct, drug offenses and municipal ordinance violations are examples of some of the things that you can get expunged from your record. Keep in mind that the nature of the drug offense is one of the main factors that will determine whether you can get it expunged from your record.
There is also a waiting period that applies. The amount of time that you have to wait is contingent upon the crime that you want removed from your record.
Contact a Criminal Defense Lawyer New Jersey to Discuss Getting Your Criminal Arrest or Conviction Expunged from Your Record
If you are interested in getting your criminal record expunged, then you will need to contact a New Jersey criminal law attorney. Michele Finizio esq. can help you get your record expunged so that you will be able to get a fresh start.