According to recent research, a prison sentence of fewer than six months can end up doing more harm than good for the person incarcerated. Statistics show that these people with short prison sentences tend to lead a more dysfunctional life after, meaning they are more likely to go back to criminal behaviors after being released.
While it is an unfortunate statistic, there are alternatives to serving a short prison sentence and judges tend to be on the side of those alternatives — a treatment or rehabilitation program.
Whether your criminal charges are assault related or drug related, you voluntarily going for rehabilitation or treatment will show a judge and jury your willingness to change, helping your standing with your criminal defense case. You should also note that mentioning your family as a reason for your treatment can go a long way because you are doing it for more than just yourself and for more than just getting out of a longer prison sentence.
You should also keep in mind that a jury and judge can see through a facade, so you need to be sincere in your intent to go into treatment. Do not try to fool someone for your own benefit.
Statistics do show that treatment helps more than incarceration, especially with drug-related crimes and programs. These treatments and programs, which include drug court, were originally created to cut back on the drug-related offenses in high traffic areas and have become a place that provides treatment as well as supervision and testing.
Drug courts have been found to have a success rate of 75 percent and are six times more likely to keep you in your program and hold you accountable. Another notable statistic is that drug courts are 50 percent more likely to help reunite you with your family.
When it comes down to it though, these treatment programs are only as good as the participant. You have to want to quit your criminal behavior, whether it be substance abuse, violent behavior, or criminal mischief. Figure out how you want to change your life and if treatment is something that will help get you there while helping avoid legal issues then it is something you should consider.
New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyers at The Law Offices of Michele Finizio Encourage Offenders to Complete Rehabilitation Programs
If you or loved one are facing criminal charges in New Jersey and think voluntary treatment can help your case then you should contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. South Jersey attorney Michel Finizio is well versed in criminal law and is ready to provide you with guidance and the best defense possible. Contact her office at 856-888-9059 today to schedule a free consultation and begin discussing your legal options.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.