Retain an Experienced New Jersey Traffic Lawyer for Speeding Ticket Violations
Getting a speeding ticket can be more than a nuisance and having to pay a fine. Driving at an excessive speed significantly over the speed limit can result in more serious penalties. Furthermore, if an individual is issued a traffic violation for speeding while intoxicated, they may face criminal charges.
For these reasons, it is important to contact an experienced traffic lawyer who can defend your traffic violation charges. Cherry Hill traffic lawyer Michele Finizio provides representation for the following traffic violations that require a traffic and municipal court attorney.
NJ Speeding Tickets Resulting in a Reckless Driving Charge
Individuals who drive at an excessive speed over the legally allowable limit can be charged with reckless driving. Reckless driving violations can result in a substantial number of points assessed to a driver’s license. At times, the number of points may be so significant that an individual’s driver’s license will be revoked.
Multiple Speeding Tickets in New Jersey
Monetary fines and points on a driver’s license will increase with each additional speeding ticket a driver is issued. Eventually, multiple speeding tickets will result in revocation of the offender’s driver license.
Moving Violations, Including Charges for DUI & DWI
Speeding while driving drunk is a very serious violation in most states across the U.S. A drunk driver who speeds will incur stringent penalties that may include costly court fees and fines, community service, revocation of a driver’s license, and possible imprisonment. Moreover, a charge of DUI remains part of an individual’s criminal record for several years, adversely affecting employment among other things.
Possible Liability for Injuries Caused by Speeding in NJ
An individual who causes a car accident due to speeding is liable for any injuries suffered by others. A violator who is named in a lawsuit can be responsible for compensating the injured victims for medical expenses in addition to compensatory damages for pain and suffering.
New Jersey traffic laws for speeding offenses can be complex. A qualified NJ traffic lawyer is well-versed in all applicable traffic laws and can aggressively defend any charges accordingly.
Camden County Traffic Lawyer Michele Finizio Defends Those Issued a Speeding Ticket in South Jersey
New Jersey traffic attorney, Michele Finizio, Esq., is abreast of all traffic laws that affect New Jersey drivers. Ms. Finizio can answer your questions and provide an aggressive defense to any traffic violations you may be facing. Call the Moorestown NJ criminal defense lawyers today at 856-888-9059 or contact her online.