Marijuana Changes in New Jersey
November has been a fruitful month for marijuana advocates around the nation. Not only has the House committee authorized a landmark bill that would legalize marijuana at the federal level, but the state of New Jersey is making strides of its own. Learn everything you need to know about marijuana, the legal state of it currently and what you should do below.
The State of Marijuana in New Jersey
You’ve seen the polls, and you’ve heard the news reports. Public support for legalizing (or at least decriminalizing) the pot plant appears to be at an all time high. Despite that, not much has been done on the legal level yet.
It appears that change is on the horizon though, especially in New Jersey. According to lawmakers, a recent push to legalize the substance didn’t get enough votes to pass in the Senate. That news was devastating to not only advocates but also to the state’s Governor, Phil Murphy. Governor Murphy made a campaign promise to push for marijuana support, and those ideas are in part why he won the election.
In response to the failed vote, advocates have devised a new plan. They’ve decided to put the whole notion to a public vote. Next November, New Jersey citizens will be voting on whether or not weed should be legalized in the state.
Penalties for Possession in NJ
These new changes are all very exciting, but don’t let the excitement cause you to make any mistakes. Marijuana is still illegal according to both federal and state law. If you are caught in possession of pot, then you’ll still face legal consequences despite public opinion. Here’s a list of the potential punishments you could face if you’re caught for possession of marijuana:
- Jail time (up to 1.5 years)
- Fines up to $25,000
- Drug rehabilitation courses
Possession isn’t the only marijuana-related crime, though. Depending on how much you’re caught with, you could also be accused of trafficking the substance or possessing it with the intent to sell it. If you get accused of a drug-related crime, it’s advised that you hire an attorney as soon as possible.
Contact an Experienced Moorestown Drug Defense Attorney About Your Marijuana Drug Crime Charges in New Jersey
Have you been charged with a drug crime in New Jersey? A drug crime conviction can carry with it heavy fines, jail time, and driver’s license suspension! That is why it is imperative that you speak with a qualified drug defense lawyer about your case. Criminal defense attorney Michele Finizio represents clients charged with use, possession, production, distribution, and related drug offenses in Moorestown, Camden, Washington Township, Monroe, and throughout New Jersey. Call 856-888-9059 or fill out our confidential online contact form to schedule a free consultation about your case. We have an office located at 9 E. Main St, Moorestown, New Jersey, 08057.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.